Lower Salford Laser
Lower Salford Laser
484 Harleysville Pike
Harleysville, PA
(215) 256-8040

Tired of shaving? Start your laser hair removal now. Begin you laser hair removal now and be ready for next summer.

Here at Lower Salford Laser we are pleased to offer laser hair removal services. We are using a state of the art 810 nm diode laser to provide effective and safe hair removal and your treatments are under the direct supervision of a physician. Please call us today to set up an appointment for your evaluation. Your first treatment will be 50% off the regular price.

Call us at (215) 256-8040 or reach us by the web by clicking on Contact us.

We look forward to meeting you.

Laser energy is selectively absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle and converted to heat which diffuses into and injures cells in the hair bulb.

The ideal laser system for hair removal depends on the following parameters:

1. Wavelength
2. Pulse width
3. Effective spot size and fluence (energy)
4. Cooling (both pre-cooling and parallel cooling)

Copyright 2007-2010. Lower Salford Laser. All rights reserved
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