The Center for Laser Skin Enhancement
The Center for Laser Skin Enhancement
246 West Main Street
Uniontown, PA
Phone: 724-329-3313
Toll-free: 877-329-3314
Fax: 724-329-0916

Laser hair removal
In just a few treatments you can achieve a smooth, lovely complexion! No razor burn. No tweezers. Just silky-soft skin.

We can give you the chance to live life again. You can make shaving, plucking and waxing a thing of the past. Imagine how confident you can be!

But in addition, you’ll save time and money. Imagine saving over 100 hours and potentially hundreds of dollars every year by not needing to shave or wax. After our treatments, you’ll have more time (and money) to spend showing off your wonderful new skin.

You know you’re ready! Call today to set up an appointment: 877-329-3314.

The owners and staff of the Center for Laser Skin Enhancement can beautify you beyond your wildest dreams. You can access their top quality services in two convenient locations. Call us today and set your skin free!

2006 The Center for Laser Skin Enhancement, Inc.
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