Symphony Laser Spa
Symphony Laser Spa
341 10th Ave.
Suite 207
Royersford, PA 19468
Call: 610.569.1022

Traditional hair removal systems typically focus only on thermally heating the hair follicle to sufficiently damage the normal hair growth cycle, in a process called photo thermolysis. However due to insufficient heating, the hair growth cycle is not adequately interrupted and permanent reduction of hair is not achieved.
Using dual energy sources of optical light and radio frequency energies (elosâ„¢), both the hair follicle and hair shaft are heated to thermally disrupt the growth cycle of hair sources. This results a safer and more efficient hair removal process for lighter, finer hair as well as darker, thicker hair. The elosâ„¢ Hair Removal technology is safe on all skin types.

Hair reduction is achieved over several treatments. A treatment plan is based upon thorough consultation and medical evaluation. Since individual response to hair removal treatments varies with skin type, hormonal changes hair structure and density, a shorter or longer series of treatments may be required.

As both optical and radio frequency energies are used , there is less incidence of redness or inflammation of the skin , blistering or other pigmentation effects normally associated with traditional photo thermolysis systems of hair removal . With its minimal downtime, lower heat and cooling process, the elosâ„¢ technology of hair removal offers superior performance and comfort.

2007 Symphony Laser Spa
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