Simply Skin
Simply Skin
420 Wood Street
Clarion, PA 16214

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser Hair Removal is a quick, non-invasive way to permanently reduce unwanted hair.

How does the treatment work?

The area to be treated is cleansed and shaved. A topical numbing cream may be applied. The technician scans the treatment area with the laser, which emits a specific wavelength that passes harmlessly through skin and into the hair follicle. The follicle is heated and damaged, putting an end to hair growth.

How many treatments are required?

Hair growth can only be affected during the growth cycle. Several sessions are required to destroy all hair follicles.

Is Laser Hair Removal safe?

Laser Hair Removal is a common, quick and safe procedure. A variety of lasers have been FDA approved for hair reduction.

Are there any possible side effects?

You may experience stinging, mild swelling and pigmentation changes immediately after treatment. These effects are temporary, as are the rare appearance of blisters and lesions. Scarring and the activation of viral infections, such as herpes and shingles, may occur if you are already predisposed. For this reason, you must give a complete medical history before treatment.

Will there be any downtime?

No, you may return to your normal routine immediately.

What are the benefits of Laser Hair Removal over other treatments?

Laser Hair Removal is fast and has long term results. Other hair reduction methods must either be done often or hair by hair.
What can be expected post-treatment?

The area may be red and swollen immediately after treatment. You can return to your normal schedule, but keep out of the sun and use sunscreen. Over the next few weeks your hair will appear to grow as it falls out.

How soon will results appear?

Results are revealed as your hair goes through its normal cycles. By six months, you should have an idea of how much hair has been reduced.

How long does a Laser Hair Removal treatment last?

The procedure may take anywhere from minutes to hours depending on the size of the area to be treated.

What conditions respond best to this treatment?

Laser Hair Removal works best on those with darker hair than skin tone.

Who are candidates for Laser Hair Removal?

With the newest lasers, individuals of all skin and hair types can be treated.

Who should avoid Laser Hair Removal?

If you have a history of keloid formation, excessive scarring or poor healing, you may not be right for this treatment. Tattoos and permanent makeup can be altered by Laser Hair Removal. This treatment cannot be performed in areas with open sores, lesions or infections.

How does the treatment feel?

Patients usually experience mild pain which can be followed by several hours of a sunburn-like sensation.

How long do the results last?

Results vary from person to person. Permanent reduction is common but cannot be guaranteed.

What are the alternative treatments?

Traditional methods of hair removal include shaving, plucking, waxing, depilatory creams and electrolysis.

Is additional treatment necessary?

Yes, several sessions are required to achieve a consistent hairless effect.

What are the limitations of Laser Hair Removal?

Certain lasers work on melanin, so their use is limited to people with hair darker than skin tone. In general, Laser Hair Removal cannot guarantee permanent hair removal.

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