Picture Perfect You
Picture Perfect You
5610 Greenvillage Rd
Chambersburg, Pa 17201

Picture Perfect You provides safe, effective solutions for permanent removal of unwanted hair.

Permant hair removal begins with an evaluation of your problem area. Trudy Spangler will evaluate your situation and suggest the treatment that is right for you. Picture Perfect You is pleased to provide both LHE and Electrolysis.

When hair grows where you don't want it to, it's a problem. Unsightly, embarrassing and very common. Unwanted or excessive body hair affects both women and men. Women often experience it on the face, the legs, under the arms or in the bikini area. For men, the problem areas are typically the back, chest or face. Because unwanted hair is a universal concern, many methods are used to remove it. These range from messy and tedious techniques for short-term removal to harsh and costly options for longer-term results.

How LHE Therapy Removes Hair
Pulsed light penetrates deep into the hair follicle where it triggers a photothermal reaction that heats up the follicle. At the same time, heat travels down through the skin to help raise the temperature inside the hair follicle and results in its destruction. The result is long-term removal of hair for long- lasting satisfaction.
Like any long-term hair removal treatment, LHE can only remove hair that is in its growth phase at the time of treatment. Individual hairs go into their growth phase at different times. In order to remove all of the unwanted hairs during their growth phase, your technician usually schedule a series of LHE treatments spaced one to three months apart.

A typical treatment session takes from 5 to 45 minutes, depending on the size of the body area being treated. Your technician will provide you details about your treatment and prepare a plan that's right for you. LHE is used safely and effectively worldwide to remove all types of hair, fine to coarse, light to dark, on most types of skin anywhere on the body. Of course, as with all medical procedures, your technician will discuss your candidacy for treatment based on your own needs.

The heat is on to get rid of unwanted hair!

Ask Picture Perfect You about Radiancy Systems powered by LHE, the only treatment that combines light with heat for safe long-term hair removal.

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