2401 Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 1A10
Philadelphia PA 19130

A Boutique Med Spa

MaxAesthetics is a boutique med spa in Philadelphia PA dedicated to offering the highest quality and medically advanced skin care therapies, cosmeceuticals and procedures for the most effective, safe, result oriented treatments available.
The goal for MaxAesthetics is to bring each and every client to his or her optimum potential for beauty, a naturally youthful and healthy appearance, to restore a sense of well being and to provide continued support, service, and information.

MaxAesthetics Med Spa's specialties are Soprano XL - virtually painless laser hair removal, gentle and natural skin resurfacing utilizing medical grade designer peels, customized facials, facial injectables such as Juvederm, Botox and Perlane, permanent makeup cosmetics and our most relaxing combination massages.

Your beauty and well being are our priority.

Soprano XL Laser Hair Removal

Virtually Painless Laser Hair Removal is now possible with the the worlds first revolutionary diode laser system for permanent hair reduction. The Soprano XL works by safely and gently heating the dermis to a temperature that damages the hair follicle and prevents re-growth, yet does not injure the surrounding skin.

Who are candidates for Laser Hair Removal?

Men and women with ALL skin types, including tanned skin and darker ethnic skin tones can safely and effectively be treated by the Soprano XL.

What is treatment like?

Soprano XL is unique because its pain free process works in motion, with innovative technology and a sweeping technique that eliminates the common problem of missed or skipped spots compared to all other forms of laser hair removal. Clients often compare the experience to a hot stone massage rather than the pain experienced with other laser systems.

How many treatments are required?

Because the laser affects hair follicles only when they are in the growth phase, 6 to 8 treatments may be necessary to disable hair follicles that subsequently enter the growth phase. Treatments are administered between 4 to 8 weeks intervals.

How should I prepare for treatment?

The area of treatment should be clean shaven the day of or evening before treatment to insure a more comfortable experience. Waxing and depilatories should be avoided before laser treatment.

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