Blair Plastic Surgery
Blair Plastic Surgery
3107 Fairway Drive
Altoona, PA 16602

Many people are frustrated with excessive hair growth on body areas like the arms, legs, back, and face. Laser hair removal is an effective way to get rid of unwanted hair. It is a safe and quick procedure that can put problem hair growth to rest. At Blair Plastic Surgery, we use cutting-edge technologies to stop hair growth at the formation of the follicle, ensuring a long-term solution that makes life easier.

Our laser hair removal methods are proven to be effective, helping patients avoid the frustration of temporary hair removal methods like creams, waxing and plucking. Shaving every day can be a big nuisance and a time-consuming practice. The uncomfortable methods you have tried in the past are no longer necessary once you have discovered how our laser technology can stop hair growth.

Please contact Blair Plastic Surgery today to learn more about our laser hair removal treatments.

Imagine never shaving, waxing, plucking or applying messy creams again. Sound like a dream? Blair Plastic Surgery has been making this a reality since 1997. Hundreds of our patients across central Pennsylvania have benefited from this quick and effective procedure.

Blair Plastic Surgery owns and operates the Light Sheer Diode laser as well the Lumenis and Starlux IPL (Intense Pulse Light) systems for hair removal. All three systems function in a similar manner. The light is absorbed by the pigment located in the hair follicles, heating up and disabling numerous hairs simultaneously thereby reducing overall hair re-growth and density. We have greater than 12 years of experience and excellent results with these laser technologies. The treatments are safe, quick, and effective for many skin types. Because our laser hair removal method is noninvasive and involves no cutting, there is no downtime needed for recovery.

If you are in search of a safe and effective hair removal solution, please contact our Pennsylvania plastic surgery office today to schedule a highly personalized consultation with Dr. Louton at one of our State College and Altoona, Pennsylvania offices.

© Blair Plastic Surgery

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